Harbor House of Central Florida
Orlando, FL
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Since the inception of the domestic violence movement in the 1970’s, Harbor House has been highly regarded as one of the best comprehensive domestic violence programs in the State of Florida. We have five main programs that support that mission: emergency shelter, children’s services, community outreach, legal advocacy services and community & professional education. The main program is the 88 bed emergency shelter that is operated 24 hours a day for women and child survivors of family violence. This life saving program has been in operation for 33 years and is the only State certified domestic violence shelter in Orange County.
Last year, Harbor House helped over 20,000 victims of domestic violence escape violence and start their lives again. Our life saving programs include a 24 hour hotline, high lethality shelter, legal advocacy, award winning primary prevention programs and outreach services.
Harbor House started working on the new logic model of services with the University of South Florida in August of 2008. This project sought to examine the method of service deliver and also the outcomes by which success was measured. It is important that Harbor House is able to communicate to its supporters how the services provided have meaningful impact of the problem of domestic violence in the community. On through a careful examination of the success or failure of our efforts are we able to ensure that resources are being utilized in the best manner possible.
This presentation explains how Harbor House approaches its mission and why. Careful examination of the logic model will allow the reader to understand both how Harbor House serves survivors of domestic violence but how we know we are being successful in our efforts.
Carol Wick
CEO, Harbor House
Carol Wick is the CEO of Harbor House of Central Florida, the countys only certified Domestic Violence agency. She has extensive experience working not only in the field of women’s issues, but in trauma and child abuse. Carol obtained her Bachelor’s Degree from Florida State University and her Master’s Degree from Auburn University. She completed post graduate work at Florida State University in London in domestic violence. She is a licensed therapist and an approved supervisor. She is also a Clinical Member of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists.
In the past 20 years, Mrs. Wick has worked on various women’s and children’s issues. She was part of a research team with the National Council on Crime and Delinquency that studied the status of girls in Florida prisons. She has also been involved in best practices in gender responsive programming and quality assurance in the juvenile justice system. Mrs. Wick has led her agencies to number 1 rankings in quality in the State of Florida on 3 occasions and has been nationally recognized for innovative programming. She twice won the Executive Woman of the Year Award in Volusia County as well as the Juneteenth Hometown Hero Award for her advocacy and leadership in the preservation and restoration of the 100 year old Rigby School, the last historic African American building left in the County.
Since returning to Central Florida and joining Harbor House, Carol has worked to improve community partnerships and engage leaders in social change around domestic violence issues. Under her leadership, Harbor House has increased shelter capacity 92% and implemented new programs and partnerships with law enforcement, DCF and the courts.