
Training & Technical Assistance

Training and technical assistance are key components of the Logic Model Technical Assistance Project. Tutorials and narrated presentions are offered at this site for those wishing to utilize the tools of the national evaluation to develop and assess their community-based systems of care.

Technical Assistance Tools

The tools we've developed are applicabile to all groups working toward developing a comprehensive system of care and support multiple levels that include policy and administrative, program implementation, and the level of practice. The tools offered through this site, and through additional support from our technical assistance faculty and staff, can help community stakeholders:

The USF Logic Model Team provides the following resources for theory of change and logic model development and use:

Articulating the community's idea for system change:

Using the logic model in planning, implementation, evaluation, and CQI:

Contact us today so we can help your community ensure that intentions, expectations, and actions come together for the benefit of the children and families you serve.