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USF Logic Model Team News
for Systems of Care Communities

Save the Date!

Since its first conference in 1988, the Research and Training Center for Children’s Mental Health has sought to expand the research base essential to improved service systems for children with serious emotional and behavioral disturbances by bringing together researchers, evaluators, policy makers, advocates, and family members to share information, discuss issues and network.

In keeping with the spirit and tradition of the RTC, the Department of Child & Family Studies at the University of South Florida's College of Behavioral and Community Sciences is pleased to sponsor the 23rd Annual Children’s Mental Health Research and Policy Conference. This year’s conference promises new opportunities to share information essential to improving service systems for children with serious emotional and behavioral disturbances and their families.

New Site Narrations:

Four new narrations by site directors and others involved in system development demonstrate key components of planning for sustainability.

Special "How To" Narration

Expressing Your Ideas: Using a Logic Model to Create Stystem Change

A narration has been developed by USF Logic Model team members Rene Anderson and Theresa Nesman to help viewers understand the process of using a logic model to create systems change with family-run organizations, youth and peer-run groups, or any entity wishing to successfully develop and implement systems of care.

The narration shares details on the core components of a logic model and how its development can fit any stage of systems evolution. Additional ideas on how to get started are shared, beginning with the identification of a core workgroup and reaching agreement on the vision, values, and mission. Important collaborative processes that are described include maintaining transparency across stakeholders, building organizational capacity, and planning for sustainability.


With funding provided through the CMHI National Evaluation and SAMHSA, the USF Logic Model Team provides technical assistance to funded system of care communities at no charge.

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  2009 Theory of Change Logic Model Project
Department of Child & Family Studies | Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute | College of Behavioral and Community Sciences | University of South Florida
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